The challenge

Chronic care services for the severe conditions of type 1 diabetes (T1D) disease are only available at referral hospitals in major cities. Treatment is inaccessible and unaffordable for the rural poor. As a result, many poor children and young adults go without treatment for these severe conditions that almost always lead to premature death if left untreated. In Uganda in 2022, 1 in 3 young people with T1D died without a diagnosis. The number of people living with T1D was estimated at 16,090 in 2022. The average number of healthy years lost to T1D per person (diagnosed at 10) is 48.6 years.

Our services


We train school nurses and teachers to conduct initial screenings. We also provide confirmatory laboratory tests at our Bright Life Medical Centre, ensuring early diagnosis.

Caring for children and adolescents with T1D at home

We developed comprehensive essential care protocols, empowering caregivers with the skills and knowledge to support children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes effectively. Our approach includes identifying, training, and organizing caregivers, equipping them with specialised diabetes kits, and providing ongoing psychosocial counseling. 

Caring for children and adolescents with T1D at school

We train teachers and school nurses in insulin administration, creating personalised care plans, using diabetes kits, promoting empathy among peers of patients, offering emotional support, educating children with diabetes (SugarWise Starlets) on diabetes management, and establishing reminder systems for check-ups and treatments.

Advocacy and awareness

We formed a movement known as the Bold AIMS to champion the needs of children with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Through this initiative, we raise awareness and advocate for T1D patients, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding. Our efforts also support children with T1D in confidently engaging in play and social activities alongside their non-diabetic peers, promoting inclusivity and resilience in every child’s life.

Facilitating physical activity

We educate Starlets about the importance of regular physical activity in diabetes management and help them develop personalised exercise plans tailored to their diabetes type, medication, and fitness level. We identify and train fitness instructors in schools and support schools in creating inclusive environments for pupils with T1D during physical activities.

Preparing for Transition to Adulthood

We mentor children and adolescents with T1D in developing essential life skills as they transition into adulthood and take greater responsibility for managing their diabetes.